Shark Creek

Shark Creek is a tidal flow running through the mangroves south of Great Harbour Cay. As it connects the ocean to the banks it attracts quite an assortment of fish and wildlife. We joined Steven, the manager of the marina, and his wife for a kayak run from the ocean side to the banks and then back to the marina. Steve was nice enough to load our kayaks in his truck and transport us all to the launch point.


Shark Creek lives up to its name as we saw dozens of small sharks, as well as rays and turtle. Some here to breed, others to eat. One can navigate the creek in a dinghy at high tide but would loose the chance to view all the wildlife up close and personal. We often rode directly over the top of sleeping rays just inches below our kayaks before they bolted.

At the narrowest sections the overhanging mangroves close over the top of you and can sort of restrict travel. Going with the tide helps.

The next day we took the dinghy to some of the cays south of Great Harbour. Again, this was a “mid-tide rising only” route. Unfortunately we left a little too early and had to drag the dinghy quite a ways. But the wildlife was interesting and the views east towards Soldier and Hoffman Cays was spectacular. I relaxed while Lisa collected sand dollars. Based on her haul, we are now rich.

Along the way we disturbed a few of the local creatures for a photo shoot.

  Photo contest! Name this fish. About 8″ long. In a foot of water.

Lots of starfish around. This one was much larger than the others.

Lisa wanted the shell but it was spoken  for.

This view is from a small cay adjacent to Fanny Cay looking towards Soldier and Hoffman Cays. We rested here waiting for the tide to come up.

Reference: Bahamas, Krogen, cruising, trawler, Great Harbour Cay,

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